Paris, 20th February 2012
Dear friends,
News of the Naufragés du Fol Espoir.
As you know, Les Naufragés du Fol Espoir enjoyed big audiences – almost 30,000 people – over its run of 48 performances during the South American tour to Sao-Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Santiago de Chili. These audiences were also curious, enthusiastic and full of hope. It was quite an intense and invigorating experience to perform in a part of the world where such encounters are still possible and “where things may still be tried out” - to quote Théodore Monod's definition of utopia. This production looking at the destiny of Europe took on a new and special meaning in the New World - the New World which was at the source of the play's imagery and which has now given those images new life.
We are now re-energised and ready to finish filming, as well as to prepare for the final performances of les Naufragés:
- We will begin filming again – in our own artisanal way – in April, thanks to the means that we have acquired from our very generous “subscribers”, and we then hope to complete filming with the full “ciné-theatre” team from 6th June to 11th July. If you still wish to participate in the wonderful and necessary common effort to create this film, and become a ’Great Subscriber’, you are still very welcome – please join the Subscription Programme today!
- From 20th-28th May, we will be performing in Vienna as part of the Wiener Festwochen, who are inviting us for the fourth time after Les Atrides in 1992, Le Tartuffe and La Ville Parjure in 1995 and then Les Ephémères in 2007.
During this time...
Many of you came to support our friends from Odin Teatret and we were happy to see so many of you there. They have now returned to their icy-cold North, warmed by your welcome, and they have left in our own hearts lasting imprints of their profound vision of our world and what we are doing with it.
Very soon our rehearsal studio will open its doors to L’Instant d’une résonance and their production of Shakespeare's Cymbeline directed by Hélène Cinque, which runs from 8th March until 29th April 2012.
And, from 5th until the 15th April, every day at 2.30pm, during this Spring which we hope will be an auspicious one, Les Lorialets will perform for schoolchildren, students and anyone else their play, Notre Commune, histoire méconnue racontée sur un char, out in the open air, under the budding plane-trees.
We look forward to seeing you soon,
Le Théâtre du Soleil